
I don't ever believe the number thirteen to be unlucky but so far this 2013 on this month only I've hurt my feet twice! What's up with my bones? I mean I always drink milk every morning so that would pour more calcium in me but then again there's hardly ever sunlight here in Ireland to provide me with vitamin D. Also then again it could not even be my bones but a ligament or muscle instead? Either way, I seriously need to go and find time to exercise more in spite of my busy school life. This month has been torturous for both my feet:( Last week, I sprained my right foot with a bruised knee from slipping then last Wednesday suddenly after a whole day of school, I found a swelling left foot under my navy socks. When I woke up that day, I actually felt a bit of a sting once I stepped my left foot but I only took it for granted because I thought I just slept funny or could've been just a bit of numbness or stiffness from the cold morning until the pain went on the whole freaking day!
It hurt so much but thankfully the next day I was excused from school because I had to go to the Austrian embassy to get a Schengen visa for our Switzerland and France school trip (soooo excited!). The lady over the embassy was so nice which made my morning lighter because last night I got so upset by my mom and we were about 7 minutes late for my visa appointment. She said that everything was alright and that I would get my passport back within ten days which is kinda long because our tour is this 6th of February already but she assured us to not worry and that it'll be able to make it in time. TY Austria! I hope so but it's not that worrying really because last time when we got our ten years multiple entry USA visa the embassy guy said we'd get our passports back within 3-5 days but surprisingly we got it back the following day. Sitting in the back seat thinking back again to how the Austrian embassy went well, it reminded me of the time I saw a spectacular view of Austria with lovely flowers on TV one time which made me think that I'd definitely drop by Austria someday.
Afterwards, my mom seemed more excited than me about my trip that we went to start shopping for some stuff for the trip right after we spent the McDonald coupons we had. It was such a fun lunch over at McDonalds because Gangnam Style was on when I got a video of my baby sister wearing a red dress dancing to it in her own little cute way looking like Jollibee in McDonalds HAHAH. I'll surely post in the video that I took of it and moreover that day, 16th of January was my sister's 6th month birthday^^ Anyways, unfortunately when we started shopping that's when my left foot got worse than it was the day before in school. It was so hard for me to walk on it that my dad had to be my crutches that day. Thank you so much for loving me so much and for that I love you tooღ
When I went home, I came to check the state of my foot again and it was still swelling and to top it up my dad wondered "could it not be arthritis?" because he frequently gets arthritis and he said it looked kinda like it. At first, I was in denial for I'm still young but my dad said that he has this friend who has a teenager who had to be absent from school because of arthritis. Then he asked of how the pain is but then concluded it may not because arthritis is more painful. With that, I still tried checking arthritis online and it stated some symptoms that I had and it also said that if it's still there after three days I may have to see a doctor already but it's feeling better now so I guess I just stressed my foot and it's not arthritis:)
3 intrigued?:
I hope the feet heal soon, and belated happy birthday to your sister! :)
and yeah, added your banner and link at my blog! ^_^
wish u the best~
many hope in 2013
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