ஓChristmas exam results

Last week, we got our Christmas exam results! And am not that happy:( So not contented with what I got. I so could've gotten better if only I didn't cram. I knew I had to study but I'm a bit disturbed and homesick:( I know it's still my first ever exam out of three more to go for the next two years of leaving certificate but still it's kinda discouraging. Well, I guess I'm just a bit too hard on myself after all I am in a whole new environment: new school, new country, new continent! Moreover, my teachers said I did really good for a newbie but we all know that it wasn't my best. I've really been adjusting a lot to the whole new atmosphere but I guess I still have lots of room for improvement:)
Let's start off with my mandatory subjects. For maths, I so did not expect to get an A because I don't like maths for I find it hard but surprisingly I did good. For english, I've always aced this in the Philippines but I never had to do an eight page essay for an exam so I guess that's why I did so bad. Whilst on my extra english exam, I got an A and my teacher said not to feel so sad about my english exam after all I'm still adjusting and english isn't my first language. But nevertheless it's still cool to be able to speak three languages. Humbly speaking, I did so well in my extra english exam if only I had it instead of the real english subject:/ Then the Irish subject is a mandatory in the country but since I was out of the country for a long time, I'm exempted. For my favorite subject: Biology, I got an A. For all my other subjects: Chemistry, Home Economics and Physics, I got Bs but could've gotten an A if only I studied:/
When I was in the Philippines about to enter college, I felt so close to my pediatrician dream but I had to move back here in Ireland and do two more years of High School or secondary:/ I know it's a great benefit to me but the leaving certificate seems so hard, it's such a daunting task and I might not get in to medicine anymore which discourages me a lot. I felt like everything was so bright and full of freedom but now I feel like I'm in a really cold place with no more hope and depressed:( Now, my parents have talks or shall I say fights instead about moving to either Canada, Australia or USA because of the recession which seems like the best plan ever but I'm so confused because my dad is so into the idea while my mom seems like she doesn't want to. If only my mom understood, how hard it is for me already. Either way as of now while everything else gets sorted out, I need to do well in school but how with this heavy feeling? I feel so lost.
Have you also ever felt so low in you life? How do you get right back up again?
I keep hiding behind this pediatrician ambition but deep down inside, I wanna be a pilot!
4 intrigued?:
the Bible help me distress my loads
Why did you leave your country Sherry?
And I would say, when we have tasted success in most cases, anything lesser than the best seems depressing. If I'd say my story, it'd rather be a post of pages, than being a comment. I cannot advice anything better than saying, Stay strong and work hard for the dream. If you think being a pilot is what you really wish to be, then why waste your time and energy behind being a Paediatrician?
@lovealways: the bible is one of my favorite books and I shall read some later on thanks for reminding me but funny thing is that I know both are christian religions but in our family me and my dad are Roman catholics while my mom is a born again christian who got my baby sister to also be baptized as one so my dad is planning to also have my baby sister baptized as a Roman catholic someday hahah how complicated right? But no matter what it doesn't matter just that you have the faith!
@Toxifier: My mom bore my first ever baby sister here in Ireland and to also fix my Irish papers before I reach the legal age. Inspiring words of wisdom you have there! But the thing is my folks won't pay my college expenses to be a pilot. They said I could be a pilot after I become a pediatrician when I pay for it myself:/ And I also wanna be a pediatrician at the same time^^ Actually, my career choice isn't the main problem it's the daunting leaving certificate and the country's recession forcing my parents to argue about migrating to mend our financial problems. But don't worry I'm just venting my sentiments in this blog post.
I see...Once vented off, the problems can solved much more easily. Good luck sherry with your career plans! :)
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