I'm only posting this now because yesterday I was just too depressed to blog and I still haven't recovered yet. I'm such a dog lover and I've actually had 14dogs (only those for keeps except those we give out or sell) (both dead or still alive and 5 are already in heaven including Fluffy) which are all loved and special that I've named them all. So last Easter, my cousin brought home two and gave me a cute pure bred Shih Tzu puppy because her own Shih Tzu got pregnant again. Shih Tzus are those with fluffy hair that's why I named mine Fluffy. Fluffy was only about 4 months old and she gave even more joy than what is shown in those videos up there. She was already my best friend but sadly, yesterday, just after lunch, just before we could send her back to the vet, she passed away:(((
It all started last Saturday while I was still asleep, Dad called Fluffy over for breakfast but Dad noticed how Fluffy seemed to be lethargic and that something was really wrong so in the afternoon we took her to the vet and the doctor prescribed my Dad with some medicine for Fluffy to take and at the same time Fluffy was also groomed up. The vet couldn't tell what the problem really was so she still had Fluffy under observation up 'til Thursday but Fluffy couldn't wait up 'til then. Before lunch, Fluffy looked like she was in so much pain that she already lied down on the stairs (she loved goin' upstairs but that day she made it only up to the middle part of the stairs) so I went up to her, wiped off some dirt, rubbed her stomach (she usually liked it when I rubbed her belly) to ease the pain and brought up water to her but she didn't even took a sip. After I had my lunch (I even left some of my noodle soup for her to drink) before we were already gonna send her to the vet, our house maid confirmed her gone. I went up to see and the sight was just tragic because she didn't wanna go because she still had her eyes open but God took her away from me and I dunno why but all I know now is that she ain't gonna be suffering anymore and I know God has His ways. I thought she was only weakening and JUST tired on the stairs and was gonna be alright after we send her to the vet again but she was actually already dying :((((((((( I thought it was just a little upset stomach but on the third day she looked like we really had to admit her to the vet maybe for a dextrose but she didn't make it anymore. And after that, all I could do was just cry for 5hours straight 'til my eyes got really swollen like a fish even though I couldn't cry hard enough for her to hear me anymore.
I keep on asking my parents "why?!" then Dad just goes "Just cry, it's alright. I don't really know but maybe it's just God's will," then Mom keeps on goin' "Don't worry we'll get a new one for you. Maybe that was just God's plan so that you won't miss Fluffy anymore when you get back here in Ireland." I may get a new puppy in the future but that's just it nothing can ever replace Fluffy! I can love another dog and I still have other dogs but Fluffy will always have a spot in my heart. Fluffy may have been just a dog but she made me so blissful that it aches my heart knowing how she'll never ever again gnaw up anything in her way or just run around the house or even go after my pajamas or slippers. The saddest part is that I don't even know why and where I went wrong! She gave me a lot of happiness in just a short time but on her last hour, she looked like she suffered a lot. I hope she knew that I loved her so much and that I feel kinda guilty and sorry because I know I could have given her better. It's really gonna be hard to move on because I got so attached to her. I still cry with just the thought of her and these tears may dry up but I'll never forget my Fluffy, my best friend.
This was her.
I didn't name it "Fever" because she was sick but because I loved her so much that I kinda got addicted to her. She's still alive in the pictures.
@Trish: hahah actually, Fluffy's one of the 14dogs I've ever had in my life. She's a Shih Tzu but I've had and still have a cat. 3 died and 2 hopped on my dad's car and never came back hahah How 'bout you what pets do you have?
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6 intrigued?:
it's happen to my cat before.... i'm was very sad..
:( Sad. Sorry for your loss, but cheer up my friend. Don't feel depressed, even the soul of your pet won't like that you are depressed! :)
Rest in peace.. and sorry to hear that.
Awww :( Losing a cat isn't that easy to accept.
@Trish: hahah actually, Fluffy's one of the 14dogs I've ever had in my life. She's a Shih Tzu but I've had and still have a cat. 3 died and 2 hopped on my dad's car and never came back hahah How 'bout you what pets do you have?
Awww. I hope you're fine now. May she rest in peace.
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