credit:here Upon witnessing the sold out sign displayed on the ticket booth window, she turned to the stranger just beside her and said, "Oh well! Better luck next time." As those words came out of her pink lips, her sparkling hazel eyes captured the sunlight and mesmerized him. She was about to leave 'til he got a hold of her arm and said, "Oh no, wait! Don't worry here's an extra ticket for you because I accidentally bought two." She was about to refuse the offer but before she could talk he interrupted and just handed her the ticket right away. "No buts! It's really alright because a beauty like you deserves to watch such an art." And with that, he smiled before turning his back leaving her in amazement. He was already seated on his assigned chair looking all handsome and dashing. The show was about to start in 5 minutes and still no sign of her. Luckily, he a got a free expensive front row ticket from his cousin or he would've gone ballistic waiting over a complete stranger whom he took a spontaneous chance on who seem to have stood him up. He felt so stupid for being hypnotized by her beauty that made him give her his extra ticket that she took for granted. He thought that after the surgery he could begin a new normal life and even start loving a girl for the first time because he wasn't even able to love his very own hateful mother. He thought she was different because she looked angelic but he thought wrong. "Tsk! How could a beauty ever like a weird annoying guy like me?"
Feeling dismayed, he knew that he still shouldn't let it all get into him so he still had to look up in order to watch the ballet show that his cousin directed. The curtains were finally rolled up revealing the dancers. Indeed, the show wasn't a waste of time and he really enjoyed it. But suddenly he recognized a familiar figure dancing a scene from Act 4 of Swan Lake. She was not only an alluring and graceful dancer but she seemed to be the star of the whole show and after several perfect pirouettes, he was able to identify her as the girl whom he gave his extra ticket to, earlier that day. Once the show ended, he obviously had to ask permission from his cousin, the director to allow him backstage. After seeking for permission, he searched for her backstage. It wasn't that hard to find her because she also seemed to be looking for him. He approached her first. "Well you made it! Thought you'd never come but actually you were amazing!" he commented. "I tried telling you that I didn't need the ticket anymore but you really insisted!" she chuckled. "If only I knew so that I would've brought a bouquet of your favorite flowers with me for you. But never mind! Let me just make it up to you so dinner tomorrow night at 7 over at La Vista, just around the corner?" he asked. She nodded. "Be sure to be there in time or else I'll be devastated again", he hopped away. His sense of humor made her giggle and his sweetness made her stomach flutter for tomorrow's dinner. She really was excited for dinner that she dressed herself in a trendy outfit with light makeup because she was just a simple girl but her attractive face didn't even need much makeup anymore. She simply looked gorgeous. She arrived first and waited patiently at a table for 2, assigned by the waiter. After 10 minutes of waiting, she asked for a glass of water. 20 minutes later, the waiter suddenly served her with Garlic Bread and Lasagna which made her think that he might've ordered ahead for her if in case he got stuck in traffic or anything. After 1 hour of waiting, she felt stupid for falling for a joke again. She thought that after sessions from psychiatrists and rehab she'd be able to live a new life and love another man again. She thought he was different because he seemed sincere but she just fell for another casanova again. "Tsk! How could a charm ever like a weird conservative girl like me?" She had enough and she didn't wanna wait in vain anymore so she ordered herself a Lemon Chicken to ease the pain. While eating she was really hurt and felt inferior that it made her tears fall. She just couldn't stop crying 'til a hand appeared in front of her food offering her a handkerchief. She thought he was just another waiter concerned for her but when she looked up it was really him smiling back at her wearing a chef's hat.
Composition of mine also made for an English project. Any similarities with other stories is just pure coincidence and I hope no hypocrites out there will steal this and claim that it's there's.
STRICTLY, no one has the right to repost this anywhere else!
23 intrigued?:
nice :)
Everyone else, also do feel free to NICELY aware me of mistakes because I got this from my draft version and my teacher never gave me back the final corrected output:( Well she did and I saw some corrections but I had to give it back to her again when she asked for all our projects to be compiled in a portfolio and I can't remember those corrections anymore. So I wanna ask you this tiny favor so that I wouldn't be embarrassed online in case I missed out some mistypos or grammar mistakes:)
Wow, your piece is neatly done. Congrats, I had a nice time reading it. :)
You're a Filipino right?
A pleasant morning to you :) great to be here again visiting at your site... keep up the great work.
happy weekend! smile! :)
@fiel-kun: Yup! I can very well understand Visaya&Tagalog better when my parents made me continue 5years of education here in the Philippines but sadly I'll also be continuing 5thyr/11thgrade back in my other life in Ireland somewhere by the end of the month. I'm surely gonna miss Philippines:(
Your cbox is locked? o.O I can't post!
Hello sherry!!! I have the same problem than others!! Yoy cbox its closed and i cant leave you a message :(
Yes it tempararily is because my sched is too hectic at the moment for me to reply tags and some may get lost in the history because I don't have a premium cbox.ws account:)
blog visit.. good evening!
Hello friend,I wish you a fine weekend,greetings Rinko
happy Sunday!
Alright Sherry! Take care and don't over indulge in anything, either work or play. Be sure to relax for a while and take out some time for yourself from your busy schedule! Good Day! ^_^
I have the same problem with my cbox sherry!!!! Sometimes kepp 150 messages or more and the next day only 100 or less :S its weird jaja Have a great sunday
Hello! Have a nice day & I wish you a happy week friend from Hungary: Joli :)
http://joli.extra.hu/ Thanks visit...:)
。◕`ヮ´◕。 visiting.
That means the cbox will be back soon! :D :D
Hello sherry!!! how goes everything??? i hope well, im here one more day to wish you a great monday :)
hello my Ms. Pinkish friend :)
hi..done adding your link already..pls do the same
Kunjungan di sini sahabatku, selamat malam...apa kabar...
Hello Sherry!!
Yes Panabo is part of Davao City.Glad to know you have a distant relative nearby.
About the Ponnies- I think it can't survive in the Philippines.
@penyuluh perikanan: Sorry what? I don't understand your language do comment in English next time:)
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