It's cool presence made me wanna go to sleep but the roar of heavy rain at dawn was quite scary. Dunno why but it made me remember the time we got robbed and it just makes me feel uneasy:( Dad now has a trauma of stormy nights because of that one horrible memory almost 2years ago when it was also pouring hard and we got robbed. I feel really sorry for dad because I had the same terrible feeling last night plus there was thunder and a flickering blackout which was frightening. Certainly, twilight today was delayed because cats and dogs were falling crazy last mornight. I usually like rain but that storm was just horrendous. Indeed, there was a heavy shower last night but it's coolness still let me sleep soundly. How 'bout you how was your sleep last night?
3 intrigued?:
you have been robbed before??
that's scary..
I'm sorry to hear that..
It rained here in the evening rather. Apart from that, I slept quite well! :D
@cindelaras: Unfortunately, yes. Indeed, that happening was scary though it has already been almost 2years but at that day I was more on angry than scared. Don't be sorry because I guess we're suppose to fall at some point in our lives so that we'll be able to rise back up again and our family's still hoping that justice will prevail and those bad guys will be put into jail:))
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